• #erfahrungsberichte incomings

Sjors Schreurs

is an incoming exchange student from Fontys Hogeschoolen in the Netherlands and currently studies International Business Bachelor at FHV.

What has been the best experience during your studies abroad so far?
It is impossible to single out one experience as the best experience. From skiing to swimming, hiking to visiting new cities. Austria and Vorarlberg have so many cool things to offer. All these experiences together make my Erasmus Exchange a success.

What advice would you give to other students about studying abroad?
Do it. Take the chance, go for it. You will meet new people, discover new places, explore new cultures and enjoy yourself.

Please complete the sentence: A semester abroad is worthwhile because…
... it is a great experience. You learn to be more self-reliant and independent, while making new friends, doing cool activities, and discovering the world (all while studying 😉).