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Federal Audit Office concludes examination of the FHV

The Austrian Court of Audit has audited the universities of applied sciences in Burgenland and Vorarlberg as well as the Ministry of Science. The University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg (FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences) rated the result positively.

From September 2022 to May 2023, the Federal Audit Office conducted a comprehensive audit of the FHV. Overall, the report confirms the development of the FHV with regard to the implementation of its strategy, quality standards and growth. This is evidenced, among other things, by the positive development of student numbers. With currently 1,567 students, the FHV has continuously achieved the target values of its strategy in recent years. During the audit period, the FHV was able to record growth of 23 percent in student numbers, among other things. With regard to the FHV's strategy, the report also underlines its importance as a regional educational institution for skilled workers.  

Delivering on the promise of quality

As a university that has been externally evaluated many times and is internationally recognised, the FHV has high quality standards. The Federal Audit Office notes that both universities of applied sciences audited have a comprehensive process for evaluating teaching. For the FHV as a lecturer and learning organization, this continuous quality control is essential and flows directly into concrete measures. The recognition of these teaching evaluation processes in the report is particularly pleasing.  

Educational opportunities for everyone

A high level of practical relevance and close cooperation with companies and organizations in the region are of great importance to the FHV. In this context, the report sees the high proportion of part-time students (44%) at the FHV and students with non-traditional access. Both are important target groups of the university and are due to the specific situation in Vorarlberg. Furthermore, the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences attaches great importance to equality and diversity, which is underpinned by the long-standing establishment of a staff unit of the same name. During the period under review, the FHV also met all requirements regarding the recruitment of people with disabilities. The Court of Audit also analyzed the filling of management positions, whereby the ratio of women to men at the FHV is almost balanced at 45:55.   The Federal Court of Audit audited the universities from September 2022 to May 2023. The audited period essentially covered the years 2018 to 2021. The intensive cooperation with the Federal Court of Audit during the long audit phase was very constructive for the FHV throughout. The report will be evaluated together with the state of Vorarlberg as the owner in order to continuously work on improvements and further development.  

Facts & Figures

FHV A total of around 1600 students are currently enrolled at the FHV. The university offers 25 study programs in the fields of Engineering, Business and Management, Design, Work and Health - 17 of which are offered on a part-time or dual basis. "The opportunity for skilled workers in Vorarlberg to continue their education at an academic level while working benefits local companies and contributes to the region's competitiveness. As a university, we also fulfill another important mission, as education is the foundation for a progressive society that masters the challenges of the present and future," says the university management.  

Around 7000 graduates

To date, the FHV has around 7,000 graduates, more than 80 percent of whom work as sought-after specialists in Vorarlberg. On the one hand, studying at the University of Applied Sciences provides a high-quality academic education with a high level of practical relevance, while on the other, students learn future-oriented skills such as critical thinking, entrepreneurship and resilience. "Our graduates also take away important social skills from their studies, which are crucial for success in management positions and cross-departmental projects these days," says Fitz-Rankl.  

30 years of success story

On September 6, the FHV celebrates its 30th anniversary. Founded in 1989 as Verein Technikum Vorarlberg, it was renamed "Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences" in 1994 on the basis of the then newly passed University of Applied Sciences Act. In addition to numerous milestones, the FHV founded the European University (RUN-EU) with other universities in Europe in 2020. The international RUN-EU Students Week took place at the FHV from September 2 to 6, as did the RUN-EU General Assembly. Around 300 international guests from the European University's partner universities are expected to attend this major event at the FHV.
