German University Entrance Qualification / Swiss Vocational Baccalaureate
Do you have a relevant German Fachhochschulreife or the Swiss Berufsmaturität? Since these qualifications are treated as vocational school-leaving certificates in Austria, additional examinations are also required here. The subjects in which you have to take the additional examination depend on the degree programme you have chosen and your previous education. The additional examination in English can be recognised if a B2 certificate is provided.

This is what your path to graduation looks like
German FH maturity or Swiss vocational baccalaureate:
After you have applied for your desired study program
- You find out which additional exams are due,
- you choose your type of exam preparation,
- will be per exam subject annually a fee of EUR 50, due,
- you take your examination and complete the admission procedure.

Important: After successfully passing the additional exams, you have fulfilled the formal admission requirements for the bachelor's degree in. In order to be able to start the intended study program at the FHV, you must also positively complete the respective program-specific admission procedure.
Without the positive completion of all required additional examinations prior to the start of studies, no studies at the FHV are possible.