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 New from Winter Semester 2025 

Master of Arts in Business (MA)

Part-time studies, 4 semesters

Semester abroad (optional)

Languages of instruction: German, partly English

Currently no tuition fees

Application Deadline II:
May 31st, 2025

Application deadline for non-EU/EEA countries, except Switzerland:
March 1, 2025

Facts about the study program


Name of the degree programme International Business Administration - Sustainable Management | Specialization Accounting, Controlling & Finance (ACF)
Level of the degree according to the national
and European Qualifications Framework
Master (2nd cycle)
Degree awarded Master of Arts in Business, MA  
Field of study (ISCED-F Code) 0411 - Accounting and Taxation
Mode of study Part-time studies, variable time model
Length of programme (standard period of study)

4 semesters

Semester dates Friday afternoon to evening, Saturday full day, in person sessions as part of Contextual Studies
Thursday evenings or 2 block weeks per semester
Number of credits 120 ECTS
Languages of instruction German, individual courses in English
Mobility window

Semester abroad possible in 4th semester

Academic calendar View the academic calendar
Examination regulations and grading scale View the examination regulations and grading scale
Final examination Final master's examination

Currently no tuition fees, obligatory ÖH-fee 

Study start September
Specific admission requirements Completed basic studies with at least 180 ECTS (diploma or bachelor's degree) in Business Administration or an equivalent degree from another discipline with at least 30 ECTS in business fundamentals.
See admission requirements

Apply now
Further information on application deadlines can be found here



Admission to the final examination


In order to register for the final master's oral examination, all courses in the curriculum must have been completed positively.

Master's thesis
Positive evaluation of the Master's thesis. The topic for your Master's thesis is developed during the first two semesters and specified in a disposition paper in the third semester. The 4th semester is available for the final writing. The aim of a Master's thesis is to work on an academic issue independently, systematically and methodically, demonstrating the ability to conduct independent research, problem-solving and reflection.

Master's examination
The Master's degree programme concludes with an oral examination in front of a committee of a relevant examination board. Examination components include the presentation and defense of the master's thesis, an examination discussion related to the topic of the master's thesis and an examination discussion on curricular course contents.