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Master of Arts in Social Sciences (MA)

Part-time studies, 4 semesters

Semester abroad (optional)

Languages of instruction: German, partly English

Currently no tuition fees

Application Deadline II:
May 31st, 2025

Admission requirements


Specific admission requirements to the degree programme

The master's degree in Social Work at the FHV is a university program and requires the following qualifications or aptitudes:
  • Completed Bachelor's degree or diploma in Social Work as well as Social Pedagogy or
  • Diploma of at least 3 years of Social Work Academy (access without or with conditions after examination by the programme director), or
  • Degree of an equivalent degree (social sciences or humanities)

to the extent of at least 180 ECTS at a recognised post-secondary educational institution for which admission requires the general university entrance qualification and which is recognised as a post-secondary educational institution on the basis of the legislation of the state in which it is located. The exception is the access through the diploma of the Academy of Social Work of at least 3 years (180 ECTS) in conjunction with relevant professional experience.

Proof of German and English language at level B2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Languages). 

You have a degree in the social sciences or humanities?
With a bachelor's degree in social sciences or humanities, we review your skills analogous to the designated competence areas. With relevant work experience in a social fields of action of Social Work of at least 1,500 hours you gain access to the study without conditions. This work experience must be proven by a certificate of employment or an employer reference letter as an upload in the online application. In individual cases, the programme director decides on the relevance of your work experience and on your basic knowledge.

You lack the necessary work experience?
Even then, admission is possible. However, the programme director can impose conditions on you (e.g. by requiring you to attend additional relevant courses). If you can provide no or only little evidence of your competence, the FHV or Schloss Hofen will offer you recognised advanced training courses on relevant topics.

Recognition of previous academic achievements

Special provisions: Verified prior learning and coursework completed in master degree programmes at colleges and universities may be given credit for individual courses on an individual basis at the start of the programme. This decision is at the discretion of the programme director.