Digital Business Transformation Research Group


- This page is currently under construction. In the coming weeks, there will be continuous updates, e.g. on our research focus areas. 

- The research group strengthens the FHV's competencies in the field of digitalization.

Focus of the Research Group

The research group aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the region on their digitalization journey. Here, the focus is on data-driven business models and how these can be developed in companies. Projects and events are supported that deal with the use of new technologies in companies, the digitalization of business models and the necessary skills of employees in a digital company. In particular, the following questions are addressed: How does the use of new technologies succeed in my company? How can I digitalize my business model? What skills are necessary for a digital company? How can I identify the adequate AI solutions for my company?

Integrated into Degree Programmes

The Blum Endowed Professorship is anchored in the bachelor's degree programme Computer Science - Digital Innovation as well as in the master's degree programme Business Informatics - Digital Transformation. Future professionals will be able to use the new knowledge specifically in the development of digitalization strategies for Vorarlberg's companies.

If you are interested or have any questions about content or joint projects, please contact us at:

News and Projects
