
The “startupstube”, is the Startup-Center at FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences.  It fosters entrepreneurial spirit, offers startups and innovators entrepreneurial development space and inspiration. Moreover, it creates proximity to the regional and international innovation ecosystem and promotes exchange with like-minded people.

As the first point of contact for students, researchers, employees and alumni with an interest in starting a business, the startupstube of FHV performs two functions:

- Awakening entrepreneurial spirit: With targeted activities and innovation scouting, the entrepreneurial spirit is promoted and anchored in the minds and hearts of students and employees. Impulse-giving events, seminars and courses in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation take place.

- Supporting those interested in founding a company: With 1:1 coaching sessions, the startupstube team accompanies students, employees and alumni of FHV through the startup process. With individual coaching, a top-class mentor network and specific courses and trainings, startup ideas are taken to the next level. The legal, conceptual, design and communication hurdles of starting a business are overcome together through collaborative offerings. If needed, access to FHV labs is also provided.

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