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Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc)

Part-time studies, 6 semesters

Semester abroad (optional)

Languages of instruction: German, partly English

Currently no tuition fees

Admission requirements


Specific admission requirements to the degree programme

The Bachelor's degree in Computer Science - Digital Innovation at the FHV is a university degree program and requires the following qualifications or aptitudes:

General university entrance qualification:

  • Austrian matriculation certificate or vocational matriculation certificate or
  • equivalent university entrance qualification certificate or
  • equivalent foreign certificate (e.g. Abitur) or
  • Certificate of completion of at least three years of study at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution or

Specialized professional qualification:

  • Completed relevant apprenticeship with additional exams for Computer Science or
  • Completion of a relevant vocational middle school with additional examinations for Computer Science or
  • German Fachhochschulreife (subject-relevant) as well as Swiss Berufsmaturität require the additional exams

Knowledge of German and English at level B2 (Matura level) of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Languages) is a basic requirement for admission to the degree programme.

Recognition of previous academic achievements

Special regulations: As a Maturant:in a vocational high school (HTL, HAK), individual courses can be credited to you during your studies. You will receive details about this in a conversation with the programme director.