LGBTIQ+ friendly FHV


FHV is a diverse place. Therefore, it is particularly important to us that all people feel comfortable and welcome, especially students and staff with different gender identities and sexual orientations. Lesbian - Gay - Bi - Trans - Inter - Queer - + many more possibilities to orientate oneself in gender and sexual diversity: FHV is committed to and supports diversity in our society.

Are you interested in the diversity behind the +? Here you will find short and understandable explanations.

Information and advice for students and staff


Personal counselling

  • Information on the topic of LGBTIQ+-friendly study and work climate
  • Information point concerning questions about changing of official FHV-related documents (after changing of official personal documents)
  • Contact point for reporting suspected discrimination (this includes e.g.: also perceived tensions in courses) based on sexual orientation or gender identity (also possible anonymously)
  • Accompaniment and support for further measures


Process counselling

  • Workshops on the topic of LGBTIQ-friendly study and work climate for internal FH departments
  • Organisation of topic-specific lectures and discussion events
  • If necessary, referral to other counselling centres


Further information / advice centres


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Contact persons Diversity and LGBTIQ+

Mag. Fabian Andreas REBITZER
Head of the research group for Empirical Social Sciences, Unit for Diversity and Equal Treatment
Lecturer in the competence area Energy & Environment
Ways to study (additional examinations), studying with a refugee or migrant background