Contents of InterMedia studies
Well thought-out structure, individual possibilities
In the first year of your basic studies, you will deal with, among other things:
- Design tools & techniques
- Analytical & critical thinking
- Design processes you go through yourself in integrated seminars and design project
This introductory and orientation phase provides the necessary basic knowledge on which further studies are built. From the third semester, you will work on a self-selected communicative task, in which you will develop and implement a solution for your bachelor project.
This is how you develop the vision that enables you to actively specialise in an area and apply the skills you have acquired in practice with foresight. As you question, experiment, implement and reflect, you discover new interests and connections. You will sharpen your understanding of current social, economic and technological issues that require a communicative solution.
In the 3rd semester you choose 1 of 4 courses from the subject category ‘Development of visions and innovations’:
- International cooperation project *EN
- Eco Design Lab
- Interactive systems
- Design of digital, physical and hybrid spaces
In the 4th semester, you choose 2 of 4 courses from the subject category ‘Synthesis and context’:
- Cross-media communication *EN
- Digital Life/E-Skills *EN
- Sustainable systems *EN
- Service Design *EN
In the 6th semester you choose 2 of 4 courses from the subject category ‘Application and transfer’:
- Big data analysis and visualization
- Entrepreneurial thinking
- Negotiation, leadership
- Future Explorations *EN
EN: Language of instruction of the course English
ECTS: Performance points according to the "European Credit Transfer System". According to international standards, 180 ECTS points must be earned over 6 semesters.
Learning content in detail
E | Electives: You shape your personal focus in the 4th and 5th semesters by choosing from the electives on offer.
ECTS: Performance points according to the "European Credit Transfer System". According to international standards, 180 ECTS points must be earned over 6 semesters.
Your gateway to the job!
Between the 4th and 5th semester of your bachelor's degree you will complete a mandatory internship lasting at least 10 weeks. During this period, you will apply the knowledge you have acquired in a practical work environment and work on real-life tasks and projects in a company or institution. The professional practical training starts after the end of the 4th semester and lasts until the beginning of the 5th semester (delayed start of the semester on November 1).
Your work placement will allow you to explore the job market and actively approach companies, institutions, agencies or design offices at home or abroad yourself. It offers you the opportunity to learn about everyday professional life in the context of design processes, the organizational and social environment, and working and production techniques.
The experience gained in the professional practical training should give you a differentiated understanding of the interrelationships between different areas of design activity and their effects. For many students, the professional practical training is already the door opener for starting a career.