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Bachelor of Arts in Business (BA)

Part-time studies, 6 semesters

Mandatory international experience

Languages of instruction: German, partly English

Currently no tuition fees

Application Deadline I:
March 1st, 2025

Contents of studies International Business Administration

Generalist or subject-focused - your choice!

In your studies, you will benefit from a variety of innovative didactics: In addition to courses in small groups, you will work on case studies, work intensively with haptic and computer-based business games, develop solution concepts in project teams and be in close contact with companies from the region in the Project Workshop.

In the 4th or 5th semester, the project workshop and the business game of the chosen focus expand your field of vision. By taking four additional electives, you can decide for yourself whether you want to follow a generalist or a more specialized path.

The electives as well as the business game are taught in English, mostly by international lecturers.



Bachelor of Arts in Business (BA)

Part-time studies, 6 semesters

Mandatory international experience

Languages of instruction: German, partly English

Currently no tuition fees

Application Deadline I:
March 1st, 2025


Learning content in detail

FWB-IBW-BB-9022A part-time studies is a special challenge!

Contact hours at the FHV, single days in online mode, self-organized learning at home as well as group and project work require a high level of discipline, consistent time management and a lot of energy from you, but allow you to successfully combine learning and working.

The courses take place from Friday afternoon to Friday evening, on Saturday all day as well as on additional attendance days. Annually, you should plan up to 6 vacation days for your studies. For the obligatory study trip you should reserve another 12 calendar days. The FHV recommends that you make appropriate preparations and arrangements with your company and private environment before you start your studies. A reduction of the professional activity to 80% part-time has proven to be successful.

The courses in part-time studies take place in the winter semester from September to the beginning of February and in the summer semester from mid-February to the beginning of July.

Organizational measures support the studyability of the program and help you to achieve the learning objectives. Exemplary are these:

  • Optimized scheduling with little idle time and variety in offerings. Certain weekends are free of instruction (Easter, Christmas).
  • Preview of contact hours and exam dates several months in advance
  • .
  • Presentation and examination times are only changed in exceptional cases (e.g. illness of a lecturer).
  • Exam dates if possible right after completion of a course to avoid compressed exam situations at the end of the semester.
  • Small group sizes - this creates room for individual supervision when working on practice examples, case studies and projects.
  • The availability of electronic media (scripts, eBooks, essays in subject databases) is very high and is constantly being expanded.


The Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) supports you in your continuing education with funding measures. Information at: (part-time education, educational leave)