Energy Research 



How will the many electric cars, PV systems and heat pumps behave in the power grid of the future? Is thermal energy technology doomed, or can it become an important building block for achieving climate goals through intelligent operation? How can products be developed more sustainably if we can better estimate their service life?

We want to answer these and many other questions at the research centre Energy and the illwerke vkw endowed professorship for energy efficiency together with our network from science, industry and politics. In doing so, we act locally, are involved in Energy Autonomy + Vorarlberg, operate a Josef Ressel Center with Vorarlberg companies. But we also set international impulses, be it through our participation in RUN-EU, through our international projects and our contributions to international journals. In doing so, we throw old patterns overboard, think out-of-the-box but always with the application in mind. Inventiveness, reliability, openness, agility and trust are part of our daily work.

Do you also have an exciting research and development question: contact us and design the energy future together with us.

News and Projects


Prof. (FH) Dr. Peter KEPPLINGER
Head of illwerke vkw Endowed Professorship for Energy Efficiency, Head of Research Centre Energy
Dipl.-Ing. Helena GÖSSLER
Assistant to the Energy Research Centre