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Federal Minister Polaschek visits the FHV

Education, Science and Research Minister Martin Polaschek and State Governor Barbara Schöbi-Fink were impressed by the high quality of university of applied sciences education in Vorarlberg.

30 years ago, in the fall of 1994, the first university of applied sciences degree programs were launched in Austria. The FHV was one of the pioneers. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary, Federal Minister Polaschek came to Dornbirn to see for himself the high quality of education at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences: "The universities of applied sciences are an indispensable pillar of our higher education system.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of their success story, I have decided to undertake a record expansion of UAS places in all federal states by 2025/26. Vorarlberg will benefit from this record expansion and will receive a total of 25 new places." State Governor Barbara Schöbi-Fink was delighted with the visit and the new study places: "The expansion of study places at the FHV is an important step towards strengthening our educational location and securing highly qualified specialists in the region. With the additional 25 study places, we are offering even more young people the opportunity to complete a first-class education in Social Work directly in Vorarlberg.

This makes a significant contribution to ensuring the competitiveness of our local Business and Management and to promoting the transfer of knowledge and technology. I would like to thank Federal Minister Polaschek for his support and look forward to the future development of our university of applied sciences."

Ensuring competitiveness

The visit included a tour of the microtechnology research center and the Energy research center at the FHV as well as an insight into current research projects. FHV Managing Director Stefan Fitz-Rankl was delighted: "We had a very constructive exchange. Essentially, we discussed the next necessary development steps in the UAS sector. On the one hand, sustainable funding and ensuring competitiveness in an international context are important to us. We are pleased about the Ministry's support for the expansion of European universities, in particular RUN-EU, the FHV's university network. We want to further consolidate and institutionalize international university cooperation."