Scholarships / grants for regular degree students of FHV
Are you planning to study as a regular student at FHV and would like to find out about financial support?
Here you will find an overview of funding opportunities.

Whether you qualify for the federal aid for students, depends on your individual life situation. Detailled information in German language is available here.
International degree students might find suitable grants and scholarships at the following databases:
You are studying at FHV and have excellent academic records? Then you have the chance to receive a merit scholarship. Further information will be available during your studies.
The foundation awards scholarships under the conditions of talent and financial need. Each case is examined and decided on individually by the foundation's board of directors.
In principle, Austrian and foreign students who are studying at the FHV (Bachelor's, Master's degree programmes of all disciplines) within the standard period of study and who can prove good academic performance and who are studying in a goal-oriented manner with regard to the chosen degree programme and the degree are eligible to apply for a scholarship. You must be financially needy within the meaning of the Foundation's guidelines and still have at least one year of study ahead of you. All details can be found here (information only available in German).
Other support options are available for specific needs and/or situations. Further information (in German) can be found here.