Apply now

Master of Arts in Business (MA)

Part-time study programme, 4 semester (120 ECTS)

International experience mandatory

Language of instruction: English

Currently no tuition fees

Application deadline for third-party countries (non-EU/EEA countries, except Switzerland)
March 1st, 2024

Application deadline for EU/EEA/CH
August 31st, 2024


We look forward to receiving your application! Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions about your admission for study or about the application procedure.

The following documents are required to complete your application:

  • The online application form
  • Cover letter (motivation letter)

  • Curriculum Vitae (educational and professional history)

  • Evidence of general university entrance qualifications (High School Diploma or equivalent)

  • Bachelor‘s degree or equivalent  (Diploma certificate)
    Transcript of Records – performance overview
    High School Diploma including grades

  • Diploma supplement: if available

  • Proof of at least two years professional experience (employment reference or contract)

  • Evidence of proficiency in English at level B2 based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • Copy of your passport
  • Recent portrait photo

Please be aware, that all required documents issued in non-EU / EEA countries may need some form of legalisation and translation and need to be presented at the time of application. In case your original documents are not in English or German, please always upload the original document AND the translation!

Regulations for applicants with international certificates/documents:
Proof of higher education (High School and Bachelor Diploma including Transcript of Record) at an institution in another country need to be legalised. Guidelines for legalisation and translation can be found here



Application period starting on November 15th, 2023


Send us your complete set of application documents online and note the following deadlines:

March 1st, 2024 - Application deadline I
It is the ultimate application deadline for all applications sent from a third-party country holding no vias status for EU/EEA/CH valid until August 2024

Nevertheless, here is why students from all origins benefit from an early application

- Plan your future actively and get an early confirmation of your study place

- As soon as we receive your complete online application your admission process starts and your will receive further steps in due  course

May 31st, 2024 - Application deadline II

- If you are sending us a complete set of application documents by May 31st, 2024 you are automatically eligible to participate in our admission process

- Should there be more applications than study places, please note that there will be a ranking based on handed-in documents and an interview

- Fully booked programmes will close their application period on May 31st, 2024

August 31st, 2024 – Application deadline III

- For some programmes there might be a waiting list allowing you to get a last available study place


Admission procedure:

Step 1 - Review of application documents

Profound review of your application documents, in particular evaluation of your motivation letter, your achievements in your previous studies as well as your professional experience

The best candidates from stage 1 will proceed to stage 2. You will be notified about your status in due time.

Step 2 – Interview

A one-hour structured online interview covering the following topics

- Personal motivation for the participation in the programme

- Professional experience and qualifications
Ahead of the interview you will receive an assignment for your preparation which is then subject to discussion during the interview

- Organizational requirements

Evaluation of language skills is based on TOEFL, ITP, IELTS or Cambridge Certificate, not older than 4 years. If no such test is available English proficiency will be judged by the interviewer.

Step 3 – Admission and waiting list

Based on your interview performance you will either be granted a study place straight away or you will be waitlisted. The final acceptance or rejection decision for the applicants on the waiting list will be made once the application process closes, either on May 31st, or August 31st, 2024. You will be informed about your admission status in due time after the interview.

The best 15 applicants will be admitted.