Official signature of the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
Publication of the figurative mark according to § 19 Abs 3 E-GovG
The University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg GmbH uses the following figurative mark for documents officially signed by electronic means:

The documents officially signed by the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences in the electronic way show the official signature according to the following example:

Document verification
Verification in the sense of § 20 E-GovG is to be understood as the confirmation that the document submitted actually originates from the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences.
The document to be verified must be available in its entirety for this purpose (all pages), whereby a scan or a copy is sufficient.
For the document to be checked, various transmission methods are possible in principle:
- Per e-mail with scan attached to
- By fax to the general fax number +43 5572 792 9500
- Postally to FH Vorarlberg, Campus V, Hochschulstraße 1, 6850 Dornbirn with the note "Signature verification"
- In person by appointment
- By telephone (according to expediency). Verification of a document can also be done by telephone, if the entire content of the document can be communicated by telephone.