Josef Ressel Centre for Intelligent Thermal Energy Systems


"Looking at the newspaper, people think that the complete energy system of the future will be electric. But many people forget that thermal energy systems will continue to play a major role in this. That's why we want to make them fit for the future by making them more efficient, more digital and, in the end, always a bit more intelligent."
Prof. (FH) Dr.-Ing. Markus Preißinger Head of the Josef Ressel Centre


Giving thermal systems a brain? Yes, that is exactly what we want to do at our Josef Ressel Centre (JRC) for Intelligent Thermal Energy Systems. In doing so, we are driven by a glance at the newspaper, because one might think from reading it every day that the complete energy system of the future will be electric. However, many people forget that thermal energy systems will continue to play a major role. That's why we want to make them fit for the future by making them more efficient, more digital and, in the end, always a bit more intelligent. 

And how do we do that? There will always be things that a machine can do better: fast computing, making logical connections, or even automated data analysis. But there will also always be things that humans can do better: Creativity in problem solving, expert knowledge and recognizing synergies. Combining the best of these two worlds - that's what we're working on at our JRC. 

Certainly, we are optimizing cooling systems in the food industry, we are monitoring and evaluating measurement sensors in a cloud environment to detect faulty operating states of heat pumps, and we are regulating ventilation systems in a more energy-efficient way. Together with our corporate partners, we are thus developing scientific know-how and business innovations for an efficient and intelligent energy system of the future. 

We would like to thank the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Business Location and the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development for their financial support.

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