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#what are you doing "Helping to develop technical progress"

Student Ambassador Ronja Albrecht explains in an interview why a technical degree programme was the right choice for her.

With her studies, Ronja Albrecht from Langen near Bregenz can help shape innovative technologies and technical progress. She is completing a dual study program in *Electrical Engineering (current programme structure: Electronics and Information Technology Dual). At Hefel Engineering and Technology in Dornbirn, the motivated student can apply her knowledge directly in her professional life.  


Why did you choose a dual study program?  

As part of a dual study model, you take on a permanent position in a company during your semester dates. I can gain a lot of experience through practical work. The financial aspect is also a big advantage. Although my programme structure also includes practical units, working in a company is particularly valuable from my point of view.  


How do you manage to combine your studies and work?

The work phases and theory blocks at the FHV are divided up in advance, usually alternating every 3 months. This means that there are no conflicts. I am currently working at Hefel Engineering and Technology in Dornbirn, where I receive a lot of support and exciting insights into different issues. At the FHV and also at my employer, I always get help with any questions I have.  


Are there any projects or tasks that were particularly instructive for you? 

In my opinion, I can learn a lot from implementing my own projects. For example, there was a project at the FHV on the subject of power electronics, which involved the dimensioning, design and practical implementation of a circuit board. By working on the project, I was able to understand the individual steps very well and identify errors. At Hefel Engineering and Technology, I also have the opportunity to supervise projects and learn more about the systems while gaining experience in customer contact. I am dedicating my bachelor's project to a portal robot that I was allowed to build at my employer.  


What advice would you give to prospective students?  

It is important not to be afraid or doubtful about certain subjects. I myself started my studies without any technical background knowledge. I completed my A-levels at the Dornbirn sports high school. It's good to have the ambition and motivation to work through the subject matter. The FHV and my partner company offer enough support. The exchange with my fellow students is also helpful.  


Electronics and information technology 
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Dual study program
6 semesters
semester abroad (optional)
Dual phase from the 3rd semester onwards
German, partly English

More information about the degree programme