Optimize learning with artificial intelligence


The COIN research project "SimLearning" takes learning to a new level. The Research Centre User Centred Technologies is developing AI-optimized learning experiences with partner:s from Business and Management.

Ein Mann hat eine VR-Brille auf, dahinter sieht man das Bild, welches er in der Brille sieht | © FHV

Artificial intelligence (AI) now makes it possible to support people with digital assistance during every phase of life. In education and vocational training, intelligent digital algorithms can not only increase learning success, but reduce errors and make predictions. Previously impossible support can now be presented situationally directly during a work activity or learning situation using augmented reality (XR)


The FHV's COIN research project SimLearn focuses on the possibilities of AI to take learning success and learning experiences to a new level. The User Centred Technologies research centre team is investigating and developing AI-optimized learning experiences with its Business and Management partners. AI support allows the Expert:in to create real-world scenarios adapted to the working and learning requirements of the Lake Constance business region.

In several respects, the research group for technology-enhanced learning experiences explores the use of AI as a learning partner:

  • AI-optimized simulation allows people to realistically experience and learn from the effects of mistakes in a safe environment. Feedback from the interactive learning processes and training thereby provides real-time indications of how, for example, apprentices can be ideally supported in learning work processes (see image).
  • AI-generated learning content responds to this in turn with adaptive adjustment of learning support and environment. That is, the learning environment is adapted in real time to optimally stimulate the learner's cognitive apprehension in any situation. Reflexive, reality-based learning is enhanced directly in the work situation by individually supplemented, AI-optimized learning support (called scaffolding in English).
  • AI-instructed learning support finally allows in this context the data-driven decision about the degree and type of visualization learners receive situationally. From lifelike visualized, pedagogical tutor:in with spoken assistance to barely perceptible abstracted learning cues, AI as a teaching and learning partner decides on the design of the optimal learning experience.

Adapted to local needs

The findings of the research and development work of the COIN project SimLern are sustainably adapted to the needs of the economic area of Lake Constance. The utilization concept offers comprehensive advantages to participating corporate partners: they can share infrastructure for the replication of real learning scenarios, are taught relevant development and innovation skills, can commission the AI-supported development of behavioral models and learning materials, or implement the jointly developed algorithms in their own learning application Sim.

Networking exchange with companies in the region and orientation towards requests with concrete practical relevance is a defined success factor of the SimLern research team around media scientist and project leader Patrick Jost, MSc MA and research center director Prof. (FH) Dr. Guido Kempter.


To the research groups

The Research Group on Technology-Enhanced Learning Experiences is an interdisciplinary research team with experts in Computer Science and Extended Reality technologies, cognitive learning assistance, and in the development of educational game simulations.

About the researchers

Project leader Patrick Jost, MSc MA is a PhD student at the Norwegian University of Technology and Natural Sciences (NTNU) with research expertise and publication focus in AI-generated learning assistance and learning game simulations.

Research Center Director Prof. (FH) Dr. Guido Kempter is a psychologist with a habilitation in communication psychology and experience in didactic design as well as in scientific analysis of technology-based knowledge transfer. He publishes on corporate training and continuing education, among other topics.

March 2023