uDay XXII 2024: TeleCareHub
What's in for you?
With the TeleCareHub research and development project, we want to support caregivers in caring for people with dementia living at home through digital offerings. At this year's uDay conference, we will provide insight into current research results and developments and learn more about life with dementia from the perspective of a relative.
Agenda (abstract):
09:00: Musical theater „vergissmeinnicht“ (Die Schurken)
10:35: Keynotes:
• Offside - living with dementia from the perspective of a relative
• Factors influencing the “patient journey” after diagnosis
11:35: Session 1: Results of health care research in TeleCareHub lead project (2 lectures)
14:15: Session 2: TeleCareHub Services (6 lectures)
16:15: Panel discussion: Digital before outpatient before inpatient
► The detailed programme is available as a download further down.
Speakers: please have a look at the programme flyer
Event language: German
Audience: The event addresses everyone who is interested in the topic, especially caring relatives, people who have been or are being cared for or anyone who organizes the care of relatives.
Participation: The event is for free. Registration is necessary, please click here. In case of short-term cancellation, please inform us at veranstaltungen@fhv.at.
Event details: The annual Usability Day (uDay) is an international conference that for many years has offered experts from science and practice a proven platform to present and discuss a broad spectrum of innovative solutions and the latest research findings. Each year, an interdisciplinary conference committee chooses a topic that has a current connection to societal and technical challenges. More infos about the uDay conferences.