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Award for Best Paper at Ars Electronica Festival

Margarita Köhl and David Altweger from the Department of Design presented their paper ‘Sphagnum Dances - Merging with Mosses’ at the Expanded Animation Conference as part of this year's Ars Electronica Festival, which took place from 5-7 September in Linz.

They received the "Best Paper" award for their work. The award ceremony took place in the Skyloft of the Ars Electronica Center. A project was presented that was characterized by the innovative use of AI in the design context and made an exciting analysis possible: based on field tests and audiovisual research on mosses and fungi, an interactive installation was developed that allows the audience to merge with the biomes.

This year, the conference focuses on the expanded possibilities offered by AI for the development of performance and animation. On display were AI-generated visuals, cinematic deepfakes, animated documentaries and interactive data visualizations. More about the conference.

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