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#wasmachsch "Great variety of career opportunities"

Student Ambassador Bruno Masetti reveals why he chose the Bachelor's degree in Health Care and Nursing.

For Bruno Masetti, the Bachelor's degree in Health Care and Nursing is the perfect combination of theory, scientific background and fulfilling work placements. Afterwards, he can look forward to a wealth of opportunities for a new career start that always focuses on people and their health. At the FHV, the course is offered as a full-time option (6 semesters) and part-time extended (8 semesters).    


Why is the Bachelor's degree in Health Care and Nursing the right choice for you?
The mixture of scientific specializations and practice-oriented courses makes the degree program very interesting and diverse. Furthermore, this degree program offers me the opportunity to prepare myself for my future work in my dream job. As a graduate, I have a choice of different professional activities and flexible working time models.  

What have been your personal highlights so far?
A project with practical issues in the context of care for older people in Vorarlberg. It was implemented together with nursing associations, Lebenshilfe Vorarlberg, geriatric psychiatry and inpatient long-term living. For me, projects offer the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge from my studies in real-life situations and to have independent ideas.  

What role do work placements play in your studies?
Work placements are a very important component and offer us the opportunity to establish contact with patients and future professionals. They take place in different settings such as nursing homes, hospitals, mobile care or psychiatry. We are allowed to organize a work placement ourselves, with the possibility of going abroad to get to know nursing care for two months.  

What advice would you give to people who are interested in changing careers?  
As it is not just a profession, but a vocation, I would recommend organizing trial days in nursing homes and hospitals in advance. The connexia placement foundation provides comprehensive advice on financial issues, training grants and the various healthcare professions.  

What makes studying at the FHV special for you?
The lecturers are on an equal footing with us and open to suggestions and guide us through our studies with a lot of empathy and motivation. I appreciate the close practical relevance and the insights into current scientific findings. The close cooperation between the FHV and the Vorarlberg nursing schools works very well and offers great added value.  

Training grant from the connexia placement foundation; training grant of 600 euros/month, Info training grant    


Health Care and Nursing

  • Bachelor of Science (BSc)
  • Full-time studies (6 semesters) or part-time extended (8 semesters)
  • Professional practical training in every semester
  • Recognition of acquired achievements from training as a nursing assistant or nursing assistant for the degree course

Further information: Health Care and Nursing