Integrated measures to improve electric mobility in European regions


Electromobility has great potential to improve our environment. Cars, trains and planes account for a quarter of the world's energy consumption and about the same share of emissions. That's a heavy burden - but also a unique opportunity to limit our impact on the climate. The nine partners of the E-MOB project represent 8 European regions at different stages of electromobility development, but all share the view that electromobility is the future of mobility: a clean, quiet, advanced technology. 

Ein Kind mit bloden Haaren sitzt im Zug am Fenster und sieht ein weißes E-Auto
The electric mobility strategy of the state of Vorarlberg is a central element of the project E-MOB

Project Objective

E-MOB stands for Integrated Actions to Improve Electric Mobility in European Regions and aims to improve electric mobility solutions in regional passenger transport systems through coordinated policy learning and planning. As an ambitious goal, the partners aim to influence a total of more than EUR 26 million in structural and other funds through eight policy instruments to be revised through a series of peer reviews and learning conferences. Stakeholders with regional relevance will be involved and networked throughout the process and throughout the interregional learning and action planning process. This coordinated intraregional learning will help to plan and implement concrete measures and projects in the field of electric mobility and bring tangible results to the participating regions. The policy instrument relevant to Vorarlberg is the Vorarlberg Electromobility Strategy, which will be revised from 2020. The research centre Energy is therefore working closely with the Department of Energy and Climate Protection of the State of Vorarlberg.


Funding program

The project with a total budget of € 1,535,195 is supported by the EU within the framework of Interreg Europe with € 1,304,916. The share of funding for FH Vorarlberg amounts to € 191,001.

Action Plan

During semester 6, an Action Plan was developed for the implementation phase in semesters 7 and 8. This can be downloaded here: Action Plan


Meanwhile, the Guideline have also been published and can be downloaded here: Guideline

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project name E-MOB - Integrated measures to improve electric mobility in European regions
Program EU project in the framework of Interreg Europe 
Topic Electromobility
Project duration 08.2019 - 07.2023
Project budget 1,535,195.00 EUR
EU funding 1,304,916.00 EUR
