Blockchain Technologies
Degree programme | Computer Science - Software and Information Engineering |
Subject area | Engineering & Technology |
Type of degree | Bachelor Full-time Winter Semester 2024 |
Course unit title | Blockchain Technologies |
Course unit code | 024717050656 |
Language of instruction | English |
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) | Elective |
Teaching hours per week | 2 |
Year of study | 2024 |
Level of the course / module according to the curriculum | |
Number of ECTS credits allocated | 3 |
Name of lecturer(s) | Mark BALLANDIES |
- A (preferably object-oriented) programming language
- English
- General introduction to the functionality of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT)
- Presentation and comparison of various DLT Systems, including architecture, programming, consensus mechanisms and other special properties
- Introduction to Cryptoeconomics, Token engineering and Tokenomics.
- Overview of advanced solution approaches for interoperability, scalability and privacy
Demonstrations and practical examples including coding
- The students have an overview of current blockchain and distributed ledger technologies
- Students know what cryptoeconomics, token engineering, and tokenomics are and what the relevant methods are to design and construct value-sensitive DLT systems
- The students know how the interoperability and scalability of blockchains as well as the assurance of confidentiality can be solved.
Demonstrations and practical examples including coding with feedback. Impulse presentations by students on DLT topics.
Evaluation of the exercises 70% and presentations 30%.
For a positive grade, a minimum of 50% of the possible points must be achieved in each part of the examination.
Ballandies, M.C., Dapp, M.M. and Pournaras, E., 2022. Decrypting distributed ledger design—taxonomy, classification and blockchain community evaluation. Cluster computing, 25(3), pp.1817-1838.
Hill, Brenn u.a. (2018): Blockchain Developer's Guide: Develop smart applications with Blockchain technologies - Ethereum, JavaScript, Hyperledger Fabric, and Corda. Packt Publishing.
Dapp, M.M., Helbing, D. and Klauser, S., 2021. Finance 4.0-Towards a Socio-Ecological Finance System: A Participatory Framework to Promote Sustainability (p. 109). Springer Nature.
Antonopoulos, A.M., 2017. Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the open blockchain. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
Antonopoulos, A.M. and Wood, G., 2018. Mastering ethereum: building smart contracts and dapps. O'reilly Media.
Hybrid: Half of the lectures will be conducted online. The first block is a in-person session.