Stefanie NEYER, BA MSc
Lecturer, Doctoral Researcher

3 Questions - 3 Answers
What is a health and nursing scientist and what research topics do you deal with?
As a health and care scientist, I deal with all topics and issues relating to the direct and indirect care of people of all ages and backgrounds. This involves, for example, health promotion, prevention or care interventions. This discipline always takes a holistic view of a specific topic and is therefore always concerned with caregiving relatives, children, parents, friends and acquaintances. Communities and social institutions also play a major role in this setting. I mainly take on research projects directly related to health and nursing care in the area of direct care for people of all ages.
Which topics are close to your heart?
I have two particular topics close to my heart: I am particularly interested in the care of children and their families. But I also focus on methodological research in the area of systematic literature research and the preparation of systematic reviews.
What makes your job at the FHV so special?
The FHV offers me a safe environment for sometimes highly emotional research. It gives me the freedom to explore relationships between life and death and at the same time gives me support from a unique team of researchers. Here, research moves the region!