Information on individual educational components (ECTS-Course descriptions) per semester

Master Exam

Degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems
Subject area Engineering Technology
Type of degree Master
Summer Semester 2025
Course unit title Master Exam
Course unit code 072722040402
Language of instruction German, English
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) Compulsory
Teaching hours per week 0
Year of study 2025
Level of the course / module according to the curriculum
Number of ECTS credits allocated 2
Name of lecturer(s) Frauke BIECK, Anna KNORR
Requirements and Prerequisites

Successful completion of all courses according to curriculum and approval of the master thesis

Course content

All teaching contents of the Master's programme are relevant to the examination.

Learning outcomes

The students have the Qualification Profile of the degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems. The students

  • can present and defend the core results of the Master's thesis they have written.
  • are able to hold technical discussions about the contents of the course.
  • hold their own position and show a comprehensive understanding of specialist and management tasks in the context of the course contents.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Commissional Examination

Assessment methods and criteria

Commissional Examination



Recommended or required reading


Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

In Presence