Information on individual educational components (ECTS-Course descriptions) per semester

Master's Thesis

Degree programme Social Work
Subject area Social Work & Health
Type of degree Master
Summer Semester 2025
Course unit title Master's Thesis
Course unit code 058425040701
Language of instruction German, English
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) Compulsory
Teaching hours per week 0
Year of study 2025
Level of the course / module according to the curriculum
Number of ECTS credits allocated 19
Name of lecturer(s) Perry BAUMGARTINGER-SEIRINGER, Martin GESER, Erika GESER-ENGLEITNER, Johanna HEFEL, Carmen HOFER-TEMMEL, Anja KERLE, Michael KLASSEN, Oliver MÖSSINGER, Matthew RANDALL, Smera REHMAN, Pascale
Requirements and Prerequisites

Approval for the master's thesis is an essential requirement for admission to the examination before the committee.

Course content
  • The students write their own scientific paper on a problem they have worked on and are relevant to social work.
  • Further details are regulated in a separate guideline.
Learning outcomes

For detailed information, please refer to the "Guide to preparing a master's thesis"

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Independent preparation of a written, scientific work

Assessment methods and criteria
  • The submission of the disposition and its positive assessment is required for starting the master's thesis.
  • The master's thesis is appraised and assessed by the supervisor from the FH Vorarlberg.

See guidelines "Standards for the preparation of the master's thesis and for the master's examination in the social work course"

Recommended or required reading

Theisen, Manuel Rene; (1998): Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Muenchen. Vahlen.

Rost, Friedrich (2004): Lern- und Arbeitstechniken fuer das Studium. Wiesbaden. UTB

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Master thesis