Plastics and Mould Design

Degree programme Mechatronics
Subject area Engineering Technology
Type of degree Bachelor full-time
Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) Compulsory optional
Course unit code 024506052205
Teaching units 45
Year of study 2025
Name of lecturer(s) Roman LÄSSER
Requirements and Prerequisites

Basic knowledge in chemistry

Course content

The course includes the following topics:

  • Recycling of plastics
  • Production of polymer chains for thermoplastics
  • Structure and properties of plastics
  • Comparison and application of plastics
  • Types of modification and improvement of component properties
  • Properties and behavior of plastics under different environmental conditions
  • Testing of the material to determine its properties and suitability for the application
  • Design guidelines and layout of plastic components
  • Effects of material, mold and manufacturing process on the tolerances of the finished part
  • Functionality and relevance of the injection molding process
  • Components and technical functionality of injection molding machines
  • Structure and functionality of injection molding tools
  • Part design suitable for injection molding
  • Quality control in the injection molding process to improve part quality
  • Equipment for the injection molding process
Learning outcomes

The students

  • can list the most important engineering plastics and their properties.
  • use the correct procedure for selecting the appropriate plastic for a given application.
  • can select necessary modifications/additives for the plastic.
  • can explain the relationships between the chemical structure and material properties.
  • can describe the behavior of plastic under different environmental conditions.
  • can design plastic components appropriate to the selected material.
  • use optimization potentials to obtain cost-efficient components.
  • can evaluate component geometries.
  • understand the injection molding process and know the factors influencing manufacturing costs.
  • are able to design plastic components suitable for injection molding.
  • know different methods for material and quality testing of plastic components.
  • know the influences of the production process on component quality and tolerance.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
  • Lecture
  • Group work
  • Group discussions
Assessment methods and criteria

Final written exam


Possible excursion to the injection molding plant at the company Sola Messwerkzeuge GmbH (Götzis) or Hirschmann Automotive (Feldkirch). Travel must be organized by the participants themselves.


Recommended or required reading


  • Eyerer, Peter; Schüle, Helmut (Hrsg.) (2020): Polymer Engineering. 1: Einführung, Synthese, Eigenschaften. 2. Auflage. Berlin [Heidelberg]: Springer Vieweg.
  • Schüle, Helmut; Eyerer, Peter (Hrsg.) (2020): Polymer Engineering. 2: Verarbeitung, Oberflächentechnologie, Gestaltung. 2. Auflage. Berlin [Heidelberg]: Springer Vieweg.

  • Eyerer, Peter; Schüle, Helmut; Elsner, Peter (Hrsg.) (2020): Polymer Engineering. 3: Werkstoff- und Bauteilprüfung, Recycling, Entwicklung. 2. Auflage. Berlin [Heidelberg]: Springer Vieweg.

  • Bonnet, Martin (2009): Kunststoffe in der Ingenieuranwendung: verstehen und zuverlässig auswählen. 1. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage

  • Domininghaus, Hans u.a. (2012): Kunststoffe: Eigenschaften und Anwendungen. 8., neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer

  • Bonnet, Martin (2016): Kunststofftechnik: Grundlagen, Verarbeitung, Werkstoffauswahl und Fallbeispiele. 3., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg (= Lehrbuch). Online im Internet: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-13828-8


Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)
