Head of the Digital Business Transformation Research Group and Endowed Professor

3 Questions - 3 Answers


What challenges of digital transformation are you currently working on in your research?

I am currently particularly interested in the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on human labor and corporate strategy. For example, how does effective - not simply efficient - collaboration between humans and AI work? How is AI changing learning and education? Or how can companies generate competitive advantages with AI? In addition to focusing on these content-related design options, our research also emphasizes the underlying transformation processes. In the future, I would also like to focus more on AI's impact on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

What fascinates you personally about research?

As a curious person, I am fascinated by our work's versatility and lack of routine: from analytics to creativity, structure, a sense of responsibility, willingness to learn, communication skills, and empathy - our work demands and promotes this varied mix of skills. We also work on exciting challenges with interesting personalities from business and science - often within an international network. I enjoy it, especially when working in a great team.

What role does AI play in your life?

Professionally, AI has already changed a lot. AI-based tools already do some smaller tasks for me. For more demanding tasks, however, I continue to ensure that the technology has a low agency level, i.e. I only ask for suggestions or ideas. I also make a conscious decision not to use AI for particular tasks. Of course, I also try to keep up to date with developments, but the incredibly fast pace of change doesn't always allow this at the moment. In my private life, however, I continue to enjoy technology-free times - preferably doing sports, and spending time at the lake or in the mountains.


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