The political mandate of Social Work

Friday, April 25, 2025
05:00 PM - 07:00 PM
FHV, Building U, Foyer

"Social Work must always be political, political work must always be social! - But what does that mean in times like these?"


What can you expect?

The topic of the evening is the political mandate of Social Work in connection with Social Work and social policy with a lecture by Johannes Rauch, and in the second part of the evening Johanna Hefel and Julia Pollak will present the current professionalization and quality assurance developments in Social Work and give an outlook on a possible professional law.




05:00 pm Welcome
with Mag.a (FH) Dr. Carmen Hofer Temmel and Michael Hämmerle, BA

05:15 pm Johannes Rauch, former Minister of Health and Social Affairs
Lecture on the topic: "Social Work must always be political, political work must always be social! - but what does that mean in times like these?"

06:00 pm Julia Pollak, DSA (obds) and Prof. (FH) Dr. Johanna Hefel (ogsa)
Symbolic politics or trend-setting: The Social Work Designation Act 2024.

Afterwards Questions and a pleasant conclusion.

Moderation: Julia Märk BA, MA


Event language




All interested parties are welcome to attend.



Johannes Rauch, DSA
Social Worker, former Minister of Health and Social Affairs and former Provincial Councillor 

Prof. in (FH) Mag.a Dr. in Johanna M. Hefel, DSA
Research and teaching in the competence area of Social Work at the FHV, President of the Austrian Society for Social Work - ogsa 

Julia Pollak, DSA
Social Worker, Managing Director of the Austrian Professional Association of Social Work - obds, external lecturer FH Campus Wien



Participation in the event is free of charge. Registration is required, please > click here!

The political mandate of Social Work
05:00 PM
Friday, April 25, 2025
FHV, Building U, Foyer
  • #Social & Health Care
  • #Actual