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AI in the company: Technology meets humanity

Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just another technology that is finding its way into our everyday lives. It is fundamentally changing the way we work together, communicate and organise the economy. The event series Blickpunkt Wirtschaft at the FHV focussed on the associated potential, the challenges, but also fundamental questions that go far beyond the technical applications.

Generative AI, how it works and its potential for the business world

It is a topic that affects and moves everyone: how is the increasing interaction between humans and machines changing the world of work, economic dynamics and society? Numerous interested parties came to the FHV on January 23 for another edition of the Blickpunkt Business and Management event series. The Department of Business and Management focused on the topic of "AI in the company: Technology meets humanity".

Nicolás Viveros, Senior Manager Tax Technology at Deloitte Austria, illustrated - also with live demos - how quickly AI has developed. A year ago, people were still amazed at how AI was able to convincingly imitate human language and creativity for the first time. Today, the use of ChatGPT is a matter of course and users can build their own AI bots for a wide variety of applications. From increasing efficiency to fundamentally transforming work processes - AI is a game changer. However, it is perceived differently than other innovations, not least because of the rapid speed at which it brings change and opportunities.

Together instead of man or machine

Dr. Florian Buehler, lecturer at the FHV, explored the question of why AI is always associated with a certain amount of fear: "With AI, we have a technology for the first time that can be on a par with us humans. This raises fundamental questions about how we deal with this technology and what role both technology and humans will play in the future."  Using current research results, he showed that a comprehensive understanding of AI also requires an examination of human perception. Not only are productivity and efficiency developing positively in many areas of work, AI can also have a positive impact on employee satisfaction.

But how can organizations and companies exploit potential on the one hand and reduce the associated uncertainty on the other? In view of the exponential development of AI, waiting is not an option. He pleaded for companies to prepare themselves, take responsibility and promote change: "Everyone has the opportunity to take advantage of AI. As a rule, it is not so much a question of Engineering and Technology, but rather of human and organizational behaviour that determines success or failure". Future-proof organizations are therefore already setting the course for cooperation between humans and machines. They are creating framework conditions and, above all, supporting their employees in developing the skills they need to use AI effectively and responsibly.

After a lively discussion, Blickpunkt Business and Management offered the opportunity for personal discussions in a relaxed atmosphere. The space for different perspectives, critical and inspiring impulses remains a valuable building block for the development of creativity and entrepreneurship, despite all machine intelligence.

The next Blickpunkt Business and Management will take place on April 9, 2024:

- Topic: Why is change difficult and how can serious gaming help?

- The guest will be Ivo Wenzler, NHL Stenden

- Further information and registration      

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