FHV researchers strongly represented at Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2022 in Bilbao
21.04.2022The Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2022 (HPC 2022) took place this year from April 10 to April 13, 2022 in Bilbao, Spain. More than 60 international scientists exchanged ideas in numerous sessions and took the opportunity to network on site. The presentations were complemented by an extensive poster session, which was exhibited on all three days.
The FZ Energie was represented by the head of the Research Center Energy and the PhD students Christian Baumann, Elias Eder, Gleb Prokhorskii, Philipp Wohlgenannt and by the student assistant Sandro Hiller. With their presentations, they provided an impressive insight into the scientific work at the Energy Research Center of the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences and met with broad interest among the international audience. Markus Preißinger was very satisfied at the end of the conference: "We were able to show that we as FHV research at an international level. For the young PhD students and student employees, it was also a good opportunity to network with the international community and make important contacts."
The presentations of PhD students Christan Baumann, Gleb Prokhorskii and Philipp Wohlgenannt were developed within the Josef Ressel Center for Intelligent Thermal Energy Systems (JRZ ITES), a research project funded by the Christian Doppler Society Vienna and the BMDW. The presentation of Elias Eder was based on the results from the FWF project "Humidification of Air in a Bubble Column", which is funded by FWF, Der Wissenschaftfonds.
Presentations at the HPC Conference 2022 from the Energy Research Center:
Elias Eder: An experimental investigation of oily wastewater treatment in a bubble column humidifier using an improved method for measuring humidity
Christian Baumann: A Cloud-Based Flexibility Estimation Method for Domestic Heat Pumps
Sandro Hiller: Solidified Air Energy Storage: A Feasibility Study
Markus Preißinger: Predictive maintenance in thermal power plants: a systematic literature survey
Gleb Prokhorskii: Failure detection in a water treatment system of a biomass CHP
Philipp Wohlgenannt: Modelling of a Food Processing Plant for Industrial Demand Side Management