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First RUN-EU EPA-Mission at FHV

Co-Creation of joint learning opportunities successfully implemented: Last week, students, teachers, and researchers from all eight RUN-European University partner universities met at FHV for the first European Programmes Academy-Exploratory Mission (EPA Mission) in the field of "Education and Social Sciences" to generate ideas for joint learning opportunities. 

In heterogeneous small groups, the participants analysed the challenges they share in their RUN-EU regions and the skills needed to tackle them. Based on these findings, the participants developed concrete proposals for joint learning opportunities in the areas of "Vital regions and future perspectives", "Wellbeing & mental health", "Community & sense of belonging", "Ethical use of Artificial Intelligence" and "Celebration of diversity".    


Collaboration with stakeholders 

All prototypes of the joint learning opportunities were presented to local/external stakeholders and further developed based on their feedback. A big thank you goes to Theresa Bubik from CampusVäre, Konstanze Vetter from WISTO, Erika Geser-Engleitner from FHV, Klemens Thaler from FEB - Büro für Freiwilliges Engagement und Beteiligung Land Vorarlberg and Fabian Rebitzer from the Empirical Social Sciences research group at FHV for their valuable feedback.   

A supporting programme consisting of a walk along the Dornbirner Ache river and an art mapping workshop on the topic of homelessness rounded off the EPA mission and gave the participants the opportunity to get to know Dornbirn better.   


Intensiver Austausch mit Stakeholer:innen aus der Region. | © FHV


The EPA Mission concept was developed under the leadership of Frauke Dobers and Lisa Wagner from the RUN-European University Department at FHV and implemented with the support of colleagues from the RUN-EU network and FHV.   

This is just the beginning. Participation in further EPA-Missions possible for FHV students, teachers and researchers.   

Over the next two years, FHV students, teachers and researchers will have the opportunity to participate in further EPA-Missions at RUN-EU partner universities. Each EPA-Mission will have a specific thematic focus.  

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Lisa Wagner or Frauke Dobers (both RUN-EU Managers of the RUN-European University Department at the FHV) via run-eu@fhv.at.  


Overview of EPA-Missions: 

FHV (Austria)   15-19 April 2024  Education and Social Sciences  
HAMK (Finland)   20-24 May 2024  Food and Biotechnology  
IPL (Portugal)   21-25 October 2024   Climate Change - Circular Economy & Decarbonisation   
Howest (Belgium)   11-15 November 2024  Health and Wellbeing 
NHL Stenden (The Netherlands)   3-7 March 2025   IoT and Cybersecurity  
UBU (Spanien)   7-11 April 2025   Smart Sustainable Manufacturing  
IPCA (Portugal)   12-16 May 2025  Creative Arts, Design & Materials Thinking   
TUS (Irland)   12-16 May 2025 12-16 May 2025   Tourism  
9th partner    M1-M8 in 2025   Business  
FHV (Austria)   1-5 September 2025   Final EPA-Mission  


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