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Relatives of people with dementia wanted to take part in study

A pilot study is being conducted as part of the TeleCareHub research project at the FHV, the findings of which are intended to support relatives of people with dementia. We are looking for participants who currently look after or care for people with dementia or suspected dementia to at least a small extent and are at least 18 years old.

Caring for people with dementia poses many challenges for family caregivers. This makes it all the more important to deal with possible assistance at an early stage. This is where the TeleCareHub research project at the FHV comes in. Project manager Katrin Paldan from the Human Centred Technologies research center: “We are developing an online platform to support, network and inform family caregivers of people with dementia or the onset of dementia. In a pilot study, we are testing five services with this group of people, from learning and training courses on dementia and home care to online discussion groups for family caregivers and stress checks for the early detection of excessive demands.”


Registration now open
The pilot study is now looking for people who care for someone with dementia or suspected dementia, at least to a small extent, and who are 18 years or older. A computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone with internet access is required to participate. The study lasts between three and six months. During this time, participants test the online platform and complete two questionnaires, for which they receive a total compensation of 100 euros. Selected participants will also be invited to a focus group, for which they will receive a further 50 euros in compensation. Interested parties should contact us by e-mail: telecarehub@fhv.at or by telephone: 0463/30 90 30.


All information on the research project and participation in the study: telecarehub.at

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