Lets Care- Building safe and caring schools to foster education inclusion and school achievement
Project Objective
The LETS CARE project has its origins in attachment theory. The project aims to explore a safe and supportive learning environment (school, college, university) for pupils and students, to take into account the increasing diversity of learners, and to foster the capacity of educational institutions and staff to innovate and develop their learning approaches and environments. As part of the project, the LETS CARE Hub is designed by the FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences and developed collaboratively within the project consortium. The LETS CARE Hub is a content management system that enables users (pupils, students, teachers) to make targeted use of the training material developed within the Lets Care project. The project is funded by Horizon Europe and involves 14 partners from nine European Union countries. Lets Care is a Horizon Europe funded project.

Understanding and improving- the mentoring dimension of school/university integration and school/university success.
A model for understanding the importance of safety, for addressing underachievement in reading, mathematics, and science, as well as truancy and early school leaving.
It is about creating a theoretical and practical framework to promote safe learning, safe teaching, safe schools and safe education- a relational approach to inclusive practices in schools:
Project Partners
- Universidad Pontificia Comillas, ESP
- Cidalia, ESP
- Polo Europeo della Conoscenza, TIA
- Fundación Promaestro SP, ESP
- Time.lex CVBA, BEL
- Regional Ministry for Education and Employment of Extremadura, ESP
- Association ARID, POL
- Panevezio Rajono Švietimo Centras, LIT
- Zabala Innovation Consulting SP, ESP
- Jesuit University Ignatianum, POL
- Stichting International Parents Alliance, NED
- Cinema Information Technology Education, BUL
project name |
Lets Care |
Program |
Horizon Europe |
subject |
Project duration |
01.10.2022 - 30.09.2026 |