DigitalEnergyTwin - DET


Industrial energy supply is currently designed to a large extent for the use of individual supply technologies and can only respond to fluctuating, process-related demand and volatile availability of both thermal and electrical energy supply to a limited extent. Especially from the integration of renewable and efficient but also conventional technologies and the expansion towards hybrid supply systems in the industry, the necessity can be derived that the industrial companies themselves need the best possible support in the optimization of both the operation and the design of these plants. The DigitalEnergyTwin lead project is meeting this challenge with, among others, the well-known Austrian printed circuit board manufacturer AT&S.

Abbildung Platine grün | © FHV

Project Objective

The goal of DigitalEnergyTwin is to support industry with a method and software tool to optimize the operation and design of the industrial energy supply system. By applying the Digital Twin method, detailed models for selected energy-relevant processes and renewable technologies are developed, validated and simplified. The core of the project is the development of an optimization approach based on both standardized examples and real applications in the manufacturing industry (printed circuit board production). Thus, for the first time, a solution for the tension between volatile renewable energy supply and its efficient use for fluctuating energy demand on process level in industry is developed. The chosen method allows the use for the energy manager 4.0 in the context of virtual (and augmented) reality. Through modularity and standardized development, maximum impact is achieved and multiplicability in other industrial sectors is ensured. This can support the industry to reduce costs and investment risks of renewable energy systems and thus significantly increase their share. In this context, the research centre Energy is working in particular on detailed energy system modelling for selected processes (energy-relevant) and renewable energy supply technologies. 


Support program

This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and is carried out under the "Energy Research (e!MISSION)" program


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project name

Digital Energy Twin - Optimised Operation and Design of Industrial Energy Systems

Program Climate and Energy Fund, "Energy Research (e!MISSION)"
Project number 873599
Project duration 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2023
Project budget ges. 2,597,053.00 EUR
Share FHV 356,655.00 EUR


Prof. (FH) Dr. Peter KEPPLINGER
Head of illwerke vkw Endowed Professorship for Energy Efficiency, Head of Research Centre Energy
Dipl.-Ing. Helena GÖSSLER
Assistant to the Energy Research Centre