
3 Questions - 3 Answers
What research topics are you currently working on personally?
I am working on modelling and optimization on the consumer side of energy systems. I am currently leading the interreg project FreeE-Bus. The project is developing an optimized charging management system for e-buses in public transport in the Lake Constance region. This involves creating optimal charging curves based on the parameters determined for the technical infrastructure and current system information. Sustainable, cost-efficient and flexible charging management is intended to support the transformation of public transport, which is still powered by fossil fuels, to climate-friendly e-mobility. At the same time, the project promotes the transnational transfer of knowledge on this topic in the Lake Constance region.
What makes you a scientist?
I enjoy mathematically modeling the dynamics and flexibility of energy systems, such as the charging of an e-bus fleet. You can then use it to optimize target variables such as costs, energy efficiency and robustness. All of this can no longer be calculated manually. Instead, you model and optimize on the computer using special software. In my research work, I use methods from mathematics, physics and Computer Science. It is precisely in this thematic triangle that I feel scientifically at home. And last but not least, I enjoy making a contribution to the design of a sustainable future with my work.
What do you like about the instruction at the FHV?
I really enjoy giving instruction because I enjoy the challenge of making something that is not always easy, such as the mathematical optimization of a technical system, understandable to interested students. The interaction between mathematics, Engineering and Technology and implementation on the computer is difficult for many at first (including me), but I am all the more pleased when the transfer works and I see how the students recognize the newly acquired skills as valuable and can apply them to new problems.