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Circular economy requires sustainable business models

Sustainable management through circularity. Steffen Finck and Nina Schneider are working on the Circular Lab research project at the FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences. The focus is on the circular economy in the textile industry as well as the agricultural and food industry in the Lake Constance region.

The Circular Lab has established a hub for the circular economy, circular innovation and economically viable sustainability in the Lake Constance region. "It is not a new principle, but it is a different economic model to the one we currently have. The aim is to keep raw materials and resources in the cycle for longer and derive more benefit from them. This means we produce less waste and waste fewer resources," explains project manager Steffen Finck. The research project at the FHV, which is being implemented together with partners in the Lake Constance region, focuses on the circular economy in the textile industry as well as the agricultural and food industry in the Lake Constance region. "The aim is to operate more sustainably and conserve resources in these areas. Raw materials are finite. The idea that we have an infinite amount of resources is an illusion," emphasizes the scientist.  

Focus on practical transfer

The circular economy offers promising approaches to tackling the challenges of climate change, environmental pollution and the waste of resources. "70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by our conventional use of resources. The circular economy contributes to a 40 percent reduction here," Schneider provides an insight. The transfer of research into practice is of great importance in the project. The knowledge from the research institutes is to flow into the SMEs. The aim of the project is also to get society on board and draw up proposals for policymakers. "It's also about acceptance and raising awareness," emphasizes the scientist.  

Sustainable business models

The circular economy is just one aspect of many to strengthen sustainability. "If products remain in the cycle for longer, value is created more often. However, we need new business models for this," Finck points out. A look at the last few decades shows that the industry is constantly having to adapt. "Let's take the example of digitalization. Here, too, the models have been adapted. We also need this in terms of sustainability," emphasizes project manager Finck. The team is developing recommendations for action, strategies and action plans to provide impetus to other industries and transform the region towards a sustainable circular economy in the long term.   Click here for the article in Original magazine.  


Circular Lab research project Interreg Alps-Lake Constance-High Rhine (ABH) Project manager FHV, research center Business Informatics: Steffen Finck: steffen.finck@fvh.at    

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- Long Night of Research 2024 115 stations in Dornbirn and Lustenau offer guided tours, workshops, lectures, live presentations and experiments to join in, be amazed and discover. Friday, May 24, 2024 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. All information: Long Night of Research (fhv.at)

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