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Lecture series of the Smart Engineering Technology research group

The “Electronic Design Best Practice Methods” series of lectures by the SET research group at the UAS highlighted innovative approaches and challenges in modern electronics development - from agile methods to shielding technologies.

Last week, the Smart Engineering Technology (SET) research group held an inspiring series of lectures at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences. Under the motto “Electronic Design Best Practice Methods”, participants were given exciting insights into the current trends and challenges of electronics development.

A central theme of the event was the urgently needed shift towards agile methods. While these have long been established in software development, many electronics development projects are still influenced by traditional structures. In his presentation “Why electronics development needs to become agile - and how to make it work”, Elias Vögel from Multivative vividly illustrated how agile principles can be successfully applied in practice to enable companies to react more flexibly and efficiently to market changes.

Another highlight was the presentation by Dominik Zeller (Würth Elektronik), who gave a comprehensive insight into the world of electromagnetic shielding in “Theoretical considerations on cable and housing shielding and shield connection with a practical application example”. He clearly demonstrated how coupling mechanisms and shielding measures help to minimize interference and increase the reliability of electronic systems. The combination of theoretical approaches with practical examples led to lively discussions among the participants.

The series of lectures made it clear that electronics development is at a turning point. With increasing complexity and dynamism in the industry, it is essential to question traditional ways of thinking and drive forward innovative approaches.

The event clearly showed that while agile methods have long been established in software development, electronics development is often still stuck in traditional structures. In view of the increasing complexity and dynamism in the industry, it is essential to initiate change here too. 

Highlights of the presentations: 

“Why electronics development must become agile - and how it succeeds” 
Elias Vögel / Multivative 
Elias Vögel emphasized the urgency of an agile approach in electronics development. His presentation showed how principles of agility can be successfully applied in practice - a crucial step in responding quickly and efficiently to market changes. 

“Theoretical considerations on cable and housing shielding and shield connection with a practical application example” 
Dominik Zeller / Würth Elektronik 
Dominik Zeller introduced us to the world of shielding. He showed us how coupling mechanisms and shielding measures help to protect applications from external interference as well as to protect the environment from interference from our own systems. Particularly exciting: the discussion of theoretical models in combination with practical application examples. 


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