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Social local supply - the strength of the village

On 25 January 2024, a symposium was held at the FHV on the topic of "The future role and development opportunities of municipalities". The conference was jointly organised by ARGE Soziale Nahversorgung and the Department of Social Affairs and Health at the FHV. Local social care is about social coexistence, with the municipalities playing a formative role.

Challenges are also growing in rural areas

The positive news: people in Vorarlberg are doing well. Rural, especially smaller communities are less affected by social and societal problems such as loneliness and poverty than urban areas. However, the social framework conditions have a significant influence on the perceived quality of life of the population - and these conditions are currently changing noticeably. Poverty, loneliness, health restrictions with a significant increase in life expectancy and the associated reduced participation in social and societal life - the living conditions of many people are currently undergoing radical change.

"It is important for us smaller municipalities to proactively address this important issue of the future. We need to prepare ourselves and play an active role in shaping it," says Guido Flatz, Chairman of Regio Bregenzerwald and Deputy Chairman of ARGE Soziale Nahversorgung. Shifting social tasks Many local authorities in Vorarlberg are seeing a shift in their activities away from purely administrative tasks and towards the social sector - often without a clear mandate or appropriate training for employees. In addition to the exchange of expertise at the citizen service level, tailor-made training courses are therefore also necessary.

As the project progresses, recommendations for further training will be developed to best prepare employees at municipal offices for future challenges. "This is where the FHV comes into play," says Oliver Mössinger, lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Health. "Municipalities can benefit holistically from our know-how and the expertise of our graduates, who are highly trained social workers!" Bringing together what already exists As part of the conference, the local social services project group discussed with mayors, citizen service colleagues from other municipalities and experts from the social sector.

The experts consisted of a diverse mix of representatives from various social districts and regions, employees from administrative, social and educational institutions in the state of Vorarlberg and committed initiators of various projects in other municipalities. The interest in the event was gratifyingly high.

It is particularly important to the project initiators not to "reinvent" anything. Rather, it is about bringing together what already exists, looking beyond the horizon and developing a greater awareness of the challenges.

The project runs until mid-2024 and is funded by LEADER. Participating municipalities Walgau: Frastanz, Bludesch, Dreiklang Schnifis - Düns - Dünserberg  Participating municipalities Bregenzerwald: Doren, Hittisau, Mellau  More about the courses offered by the FHV in the Department of Social Work and Health