The A-RING project is a cooperation of several partners from science and public authorities of the EUSALP regions to promote transnational cooperation on important future issues common to all regions in the Alpine area, such as the Digital Divide, climate change and biodiversity conservation. In the framework of the European Smart Specialization Strategy (S3/RIS), the EUSALP regions have already developed regional strategies based on the EC requirement. However, the triple helix for Research and Investment (R&I), which is composed of public authorities, the academic and Business and Management sectors, still focuses little on transnational cooperation to address these specifically Alpine issues within a common transnational cooperation framework. A-RING will develop a common R&I cooperation framework for this purpose, which will steer the process in line with the EU Open Innovation Strategy. In addition, A-RING aims to promote coordination between different R&I policy initiatives and institutional frameworks in order to effectively address societal challenges. In a bottom-up process, the expectations of Business and Management and the innovation potential of scientific institutions are to be evaluated on the one hand, but also the needs of citizens are to be considered in the development of responsible R&I and to enable transnational multi-level governance.

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Project Objective

The main objective of the project is to provide the basis for effective and lasting transnational cooperation between different levels and actors in order to develop a common Research and Innovation (R&I) policy for the Alpine Space (AR). The project aims to promote cooperation between policy makers, clusters, research and enterprises and to strengthen the active role of F&I institutions in local and regional development and innovation in strategic themes within the AR. The project will design the framework for the development of joint alpine research and innovation policies that promote coordinated and transnational multi-level governance.


Project results

  • A blueprint for the research and innovation agenda of the Alpine region: A strategic document enabling the creation of a common agenda to activate transnational, synergetic and complementary cooperation.
  • Multiple policy briefs: Roadmaps on policy options and cooperation steps that inform other national, regional and local decision makers interested in establishing cooperative networks for strategy development specifically for R&I topics.
  • An Alpine F&I graphic: Action plan for a transnational collaborative network between representatives from academia and Business and Management to strengthen research and innovation in the Alpine region with visualization of functional links/relationships, funding programs and list of joint actions.


project name A-RING
Program Interreg Alpine Space
Topic Transnational cooperation in the alpine space
Project index number 848
Project Duration 01/10/2019 - 31/03/2020
Project Budget 1,350,583.99 EUR
ERDF Funding 1,147,996.39 EUR

Project partners:

Università degli studi di Milano
Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences GmbH
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport
Univerza v Ljubljani (Fakulteta za upravo)
Kempten University of Applied Sciences
Constance Engineering and Technology, Business and Management &Sciences
Regional Management Burgenland GmbH
Associazione tra gli industriali della provincia di Belluno
Regione Lombardia
Plastipolis, pôle de compétitivité Plasturgie et Composites

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