AlpSIB is facing increasing pressures (aging population, youth unemployment, etc.). Municipalities are challenged to revise their social offers. However, these cannot be achieved if public funds and traditional payment mechanisms, such as "fees for services", are the only available option. The goal of the AlpSib project is to accelerate these new investment models in the Alpine region, called Social Impact Investments (SIIs) and Social Impact Bonds (SIBs), by developing policies on the ground. Social Impact Investments use private capital to finance interventions that generate measurable social impact, return on investment, and value to the public sector. These investment methods are not new per se, but the Alpine Space needs to be more coordinated and interactive in co-creating innovative solutions and partnerships to meet the needs of the addressees. In addition, a common Alpine Space methodology for SII policies will guide policymakers in setting priorities, identifying goals and outcomes, commissioning interventions, measuring results, and managing public-private investments in these areas. This will lead to a higher number of impact-oriented procurements and investments in the Alpine Space and, in the long run, to a reduction of costs. The transnational activities in the AlpSIB project are: the development of new solutions through transnational co-creative laboratories and the development of a common approach to SII policies. The main outputs of the project are the AlpSib Forum, the AlpSib web platform and the common SII policy methodology.

project name | AlpSIB - Capacity development of public andprivate organizations for Social Impact Bonds |
Program | Interreg Alpine Space |
Topic | Innovation |
Project Index Number | - |
Project Duration | 01.11.2016 - 31.07.2019 |
Project Budget | 2,152,988 EUR |
ERDF funding | 1,830,039 EUR |