Sustainable Mobility Lab 


The four-country region of Lake Constance has high mobility requirements. Intensive intra-city and inter-city traffic - in often very challenging topography - come together, traffic flows cross national borders, and the many small towns create unattractive mobility markets for providers of existing mobility solutions. Combined with the increased volume of traffic or emissions in passenger and freight transport in the region, the complexity increases and thus requires innovative, systematically cross-border and mostly digitally supported solutions. 

Sustainable Mobility Lab implements a virtual as well as physical platform for this purpose, which suitably networks all relevant, regional mobility stakeholders of the Quadruple Helix and supports them in the development of innovative mobility solutions as well as their testing and implementation in practical projects around Lake Constance. In this way, the Lake Constance region is to become an experimental laboratory (in the sense of a living lab) for innovative, sustainable mobility solutions. 

The Lab follows an entrepreneurial agile and iterative approach that uses alternative ways of thinking and working (Design Thinking/Lean Startup/Prototying) for targeted collaborative development with established companies and new startups and permanently integrates all actors transdisciplinary - supported by the platform. This leads to intentional networking (N-to-N relationship) and collaboration of mobility actors, targeted practical projects and a dissemination of the findings from the piloting and, based on this, sustainable, innovative mobility services in the four-country region of Lake Constance - driven by new, regional entrepreneurship. 

The newly created structures and services are intended to increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of the region; not only for existing companies and new mobility providers through new economic activities, but furthermore for talent, tourism and residents:inside.  

Das Bild zeigt eine Stadt aus der Zukunft und deren transport möglichkeiten | © Adobe Stock- Martin Dobler

What challenge of the four-country region does the Lab want to work on?  

  • Mobility sector: steadily increasing complexity, especially when crossing borders  

  • Innovation ecosystem for mobility: a common understanding is missing  

  • Intensive intra- and inter-city transport - in often very challenging topography; traffic flows across national borders; many small cities often form unattractive mobility markets for commercial providers; increased traffic & emissionsin passenger and freight transport 


What are the goals of the Lab?  

  • Implementation using an entrepreneurial agile and iterative approach that supports alternative ways of thinking and working (Design Thinking/Lean Startup/Prototying)  

  • Targeted, collaborative development with established companies & (new) startups  

  • Piloting and, based on that, sustainable, innovative mobility services in the four-country region of Lake Constance 


What activities should be used to achieve the goals?  

  • Creation of a virtual & physical platform as well as implementation pilot projects  

  • Networking of a multitude of mobility actors (Quadruple Helix)  

  • Creation of an innovation laboratory for innovative, systematically cross-border and mostly digitally supported solutions  

Who are the partners:from academia and practice?  

  • Universities: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, HTWG Konstanz, ZU Friedrichshafen, Kempten University of Applied Sciences, OST - Buchs, OST - St. Gallen, ZHAW  

  • Practice partner:inside: Stadtwerk am See, Startup Netzwerk Bodensee, cyberLAGO, ZF Friedrichshafen, Energieinstitut Vorarlberg, Gebrüder Weiss, Avimo, TUN. Green Deal Vorarlberg, municipality of Satteins, RhySearch, Smart City Winterthur  

Ein Logo des Sustainable Mobility LAb | © FHV

Funding program/client:in




Project name

Sustainable Mobility Lab 

Funding program/client:in 

Interreg Alps-Lake Constance-High Rhine (ABH) 

Project duration

01.04.2023 - 31.03.2027 (48 months) 

Total project budget 

Total budget 3.608.109,78  EUR

EFRE              2.824.243,32  EUR

CH funds         783.866,46  EUR


Share FHV 

812.352,04 EUR (ERDF: 568.646,42 EUR) 


Julia WANDREY, B.A. M.A.
Project coordination / coordination of the science network labs