Network development - mission 2030
The project "Grid development - mission 2030" serves to prepare the power grid for the upcoming energy transition. Particularly in the low-voltage grid, the advance of electromobility, the increased use of heat pumps and the expansion of photovoltaics call for new concepts and technologies.
Electricity grids are the backbone of energy supply and within Vorarlberg we can be proud of this backbone: we have among the highest security of supply in all of Europe. In order to ensure this in the future, vorarlberg netz launched the project "Grid development - mission 2030". In this project, experts will work on solutions for the future distribution grids in five sub-projects from April 2019 to September 2021.
As a scientific project partner, the Energy research centre was responsible for simulating the distribution grids under the future framework conditions. Based on time series-based mass simulations of the low-voltage grids (80% of the grid area of Vorarlberg), solutions of the classic grid expansion were investigated as well as the use of new and increasingly digital technologies.
Further information in illwerke vkw Magazin (page 4/5)

Project Results
To efficiently upgrade distribution grids for advancing electrification (heat supply and mobility) with simultaneous expansion of renewable energy (photovoltaics) shows a clear added value of increased use of digital solutions. One recommendation for action, for example, is to convert around 20 percent of transformer stations in the network area to intelligent local network stations (iONS) by 2030. Based on the project results, the network service provider will invest around 100 million euros in network expansion and digitization by 2030 in addition to the annual investments for renewal and maintenance.
For more information, see the illwerke vkw blog.
Many research ideas for an efficient energy transition will only become feasible if we invest in the digitalization of the grid infrastructure. - Peter Kepplinger, Project Manager, FH Vorarlberg - University of Applied Sciences
Lliuyacc-Blas, R., Nyberg, S. O., Ireshika, M. A. S. T., Kolhe, M. L., & Kepplinger, P. (2022, February). PV Hosting Capacity Estimation in Low Voltage Feeders Through Bayesian Statistical Inference. In 2022 12th International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering (CPEEE) (pp. 250-255). IEEE. |
Ireshika, M. A. S. T., Lliuyacc-Blas, R., & Kepplinger, P. (2021). Voltage-Based Droop Control of Electric Vehicles in Distribution Grids under Different Charging Power Levels. Energies, 14(13), 3905. |
Arachchige, S. T. I. M., Schober, L., Lliuyacc, R., Kepplinger, P., & Preissinger, M. (2021). Voltage-Based Autonomous Demand Side Management of Electric Vehicles. In 14th Research Forum of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences. |