UV femtosecond laser
The microtechnology research centre at the FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences is involved in numerous internationally cutting-edge research topics when it comes to materials processing using ultrashort pulse lasers, and is also a competent contact for inquiries from industry. The existing laser processing system of 3D Micromac currently has two wavelengths (IR and green) and is to be expanded to the UV range via this investment.
Machining with the femtosecond laser offers the advantage of greatly reduced heat input and enables patterning processes on a wide range of materials. However, the currently available laser parameters show significant disadvantages in technologically important application areas. For example, dielectric materials cannot be cut or processed with the required quality because the wavelengths available to date lead to high damage in the material or on the substrate surfaces.

Project goal
The ability to pattern with a femtosecond laser in the UV range allows for research and development beyond the limits of what is currently feasible. In addition, it offers a further reduction in the achievable structure sizes. The implementation as a complete solution in an existing facility also allows the combination of processing strategies with multiple wavelengths, which is a unique selling point compared to most laboratories with a similar focus.
The UV range enables the processing of high-performance materials from power electronics and sensor technology to a variety of polymers that are particularly sensitive to thermal input. This expanded expertise increases the attractiveness of the research centre for microtechnology as a cooperation partner for science and industry in the fields of quantum physics, biology and, in particular, sensor technology, among others.
The project "Investment in a UV laser processing facility " (project identification number 1GAADA_01828) is co-financed with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in Austria. For more information on IWB/EFRE, please visit www.efre.gv.at