Sandra Stroj Receives Prestigious Research Award
This year's prize for research and innovation of the Christian Doppler Research Society went to two materials researchers: to Sandra Stroj from the FHV and Günther Mayr from the FH Oberösterreich. Minister of Economics Martin Kocher and CDG President Martin Gerzabek presented the prize, which is endowed with a total of 40,000 euros.

The team led by Sandra Stroj was honored for its outstanding work within the Josef Ressel Center for Materials Processing with Ultra-Short Pulsed Lasers. From 2014 to 2018, the FHV team conducted research with the company High Q Laser GmbH/MKS Instruments, Inc. on potential applications of high-tech lasers for industrial purposes.
Published and patented
Probably the most spectacular success is based on an observation in nature: on the wings of the desert beetle (Stenocara gracilipes), tiny water-attracting hills and water-repellent valleys lie close together. This allows the beetle to extract significantly more water from the mist than would be possible with smooth surfaces. The research team replicated this principle using a combination of a coating process and processing with ultrashort pulse lasers. The result is a manufacturing process for functional surfaces on which arbitrary wetting states can be created and combined. This process has been scientifically published and patented by the company's partner. Possible applications range from combating condensation on industrial machinery to obtaining drinking water in arid regions near the sea.
FHV Head of Research Markus Preißinger congratulates: "When outstanding researcher:s work together with innovative companies, a lot can be achieved. This award is proof of that, I congratulate the whole team and especially Sandra." The head of the microtechnology research centre, Fadi Dohnal, added: "A research-strong university of applied sciences like the FHV not only opens up industry-oriented solutions, but also application-oriented fundamentals. The driving force behind the JR Center, Sandra Stroj, together with Johann Zehetner and the entire team, have impressively demonstrated this."
Read more on the topic on the website of the Christian Doppler Society
October 2022