FFG Women Innovators Leadership Program with FHV Participation
Kick-off of the FFG Innovator Women Leadership group in Vienna: Stefanie Neyer, Research Group Empirical Social Sciences, is spending a year designing her mission of equal-opportunity child health.

Recently, after an initial virtual warm-up, the official kick-off of the FFG Innovator Women Leadership Group took place in Vienna. 20 women from seven federal states are realizing their R&I innovations in a ten-month program. For the first time, Stefanie Neyer, BA, MSc, lecturer in the Department of Social Work & Health and research associate of the Research Group Empirical Social Sciences at the FHV, is a Vorarlberg woman. Two intensive workshop days on the topic of "My Mission as a Shaper" were on the agenda in the federal capital. "We received numerous new impulses. The personal exchange enabled many learnings and I networked with many highly qualified and interesting women," summarizes the Klostertalerin by choice.
Stefanie Neyer's mission is to improve child health in Vorarlberg. The focus is on the long-term and holistic support of chronically ill children and their families: "Because the children are our future. I am concerned with the question of how we can offer and sustainably implement preventive services for children and families with special needs or with migration biographies."
A learning and design journey
Thinking big - that's the motto of the Innovator Women Leadership Program, which will be held for the third time in 2023. The Leadership event series of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Management (BMAW) empowers women to consciously expand their role as shapers and advance F&I shaping issues that impact business and society. From February to December, the interdisciplinary group of selected women innovators go through a learning and design journey: Empowerment for personal & professional development, peer group exchange and innovation sessions. An important part is also the independent advancement of the long-term positioning idea or innovation theme - the F&I missions.
April 2023