Practical information for incoming students
Welcome to Vorarlberg!
Take advantage of the opportunity to study as an exchange student for a semester at FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences. You will benefit from studying and living in one of the most innovative and beautiful regions in Europe.
A semester at FHV opens doors to a wide range of opportunities and offers an ideal environment. Make inspiring contacts and experience learning in new ways.
Personal support, short communication routes, open doors and interesting exchange between students and lecturers from around the globe will foster your personal development and specialist qualifications.

More information on living and studying in Austria
Frequently asked questions
Important terms and abbreviations
- ToR - Transcript of Records
Shows all courses you have passed over the course of your studies. - Letter of Acceptance
Document that confirms your successful application as an exchange student at FHV. - CoS/CoA - Confirmation of Stay/Attendance
- LA - Learning Agreement
Agreement between you, your home university and your partner university as to which courses you will take and which will be recognised. - OLA/DLA - Online/Digital Learning Agreement
Your LA in online form (relevant for students going abroad via Erasmus+)
FAQs pre-exchange
If your home university and FHV are partners, your home university nominates you as an exchange student. You will then receive further information via email. Please get in touch with your home university in order to find out, if our universities are partners and which criteria you have to fulfil.
You can find more information here:
It is possible to apply to FHV as a free mover. For this, please send your Transcript of Records (ToR) and a link to the website of your study program to We will check with our academics if you fulfil the requirements and will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can choose courses from our English-taught semesters as listed on our website.
We are constantly processing applications during our application periods. As soon as all your documents are complete, you can expect to receive your letter of acceptance.
Nomination deadline
= the date by which your home university has to nominate you for an exchange semester at FHV.
15 April for autumn/winter semester (mid-August to mid-December) or the full academic year
15 October for spring/summer semester (mid-February to end of June/beginning of July)
Appllication deadline
= the date by which you as a student have to complete your application.
15 May for autumn/winter semester or the full academic year
15 November for spring/summer semester
Students that are nominated on time and complete their application within the deadline are guaranteed accommodation by FHV. The accommodation booking process takes place in June and December respectively.
Please note that students from our partner universities have priority over free movers coming from non-partner univiersites, in the case that the number of incoming students exceeds the number of available spots. However, this is very unlikely.
In this case you lose your accommodation priority and have to look for accommodation on your own. We can assist you with information but cannot guarantee any spot for you. In case of cancellations, students are offered accommodation in the order in which they have completed the application.
Information about the accommodation booking process will be sent out the latest a week before booking starts in June for the autumn/winter semester or December for spring/summer semester.
The accommodation booking period is always five months.
15 August until 15 January for autumn/winter semester.
15 February until 15 July for spring/summer semester.
It is not possible to stay in FHV-organised accommodation for a shorter period of time. However, it is possible to extend your stay. This has to be arranged with your respective landlord/landlady.
You can find our academic calendar here.
You have to be present from the first day of the welcome week until the last day of the semester.
Unfortunately, this is not possible.
FAQs during-exchange
You can change your courses until approximately two weeks after the start of your exchange semester. The exact deadline will be communicated during the welcome week. Later changes are not possible.
FAQs post-exchange
Your Transcript of Records (ToR) will be issued as soon as possible, after we have received all your grades. The latest we issue your ToR will be 5 weeks after the official end of your semester.
Your confirmation of stay will be issued automatically after the official end of the semester and sent to you via email. We will confirm your stay from the first day of the welcome week until the last day of the semester.
- Return your campus card to the International Office.
- Return any borrowed books to the library.
- Leave your accommodation the way you received it in the beginning of the semester.