Terms of Participation Photo Competition "My semester abroad"


  1. Organizers of this competition are the International Office of FHV – Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences and EUROPE DIRECT Vorarlberg (ED Vorarlberg).
  2. The theme of the photo competition is ‘My semester abroad’. Selection of the winning photo in the categories ‘Incoming Students’ and ‘Outgoing Students’ will be done via random generator. The author of the winning photo in each category will win an instant camera. The two prizewinners will be notified by email. 
  3. All incoming and outgoing students in spring (summer) semester 2024 of FHV are eligible to participate. 
  4. Send us a digital photo for which you have unrestricted copyright and rights of use and whose subject is not contrary to the legal provisions of the country of origin and the European Union and does not infringe the personal rights of the person/s depicted. Participation in the competition is only possible by submitting your photo by email. Submissions by post or any other means will not be considered. Only one photo per participant is allowed. Send your digital photo until Monday, 27. May 2024 to exchange@fhv.at.

  5. Participation is free of charge. Transmission or mobile phone costs may, however, be incurred by the participant. There are no hidden follow-up costs.

  6. Participation in another person's name or under a false name is not permitted.

  7. The prize cannot be paid out in cash, exchanged or transferred to any other person.
  8. Participation in the competition is possible if
    • a photo (at least 3 MB, JPEG format) is sent to exchange@fhv.at,
    • the participant himself/herself is depicted on the photo
    • You answer at least one of the following 3 questions in writing:
      > What has been the best experience during your studies abroad so far?
      > What advice would you give other students about studying abroad? 
      > Please complete the sentence: A semester abroad is worthwhile because... 
    • the photo & text is received by the International Office during the competition dates (until 27 May 2024). 
  9. After the closing date all submitted photos and statements will be published on the social media pages of the International Office. You have the opportunity to increase your chance of winning by interacting with the Instagram account or post:
    • one additional point if you follow the Instagram account @fhv.international.office,
    • two additional points if you comment on your own photo.  
    • three extra points if you repost your submission in your own feed or story and tag @fhv.international.office (make sure your profile is public so we can see it or send us a screenshot via Instagram Direct Message)

      After the end of a clearly defined deadline announced by email, one winner in each of the categories "Incoming Students" and "Outgoing Students" will be chosen at random. There is no right of appeal with regard to the determination of the prize.
  10. The winners of the three categories will be contacted by e-mail. Entitlement to the prize arises exclusively upon receipt of the prize notification.
  11. FHV and ED Vorarlberg reserve the right to delete submissions that grossly deviate from the subject specifications. No notification will be given that an image has been deleted.
  12. By participating in the competition and submitting the entry, the participant grants FHV and ED Vorarlberg a temporally and spatially unrestricted, non-exclusive right of use free of charge to use the submitted entries, names, degree programme, ... of the participant for PR work. This includes the possibility of publication, reproduction, illustration and distribution for the purpose of self-promotion and self-presentation of FHV, general information on the subject of semesters abroad, internships abroad, short-term mobilities as well as any image processing required for this purpose. This permission includes the use of the submitted contributions for

    • presentation in exhibitions
    • publication on the Internet and social media
    • inclusion in other publications, including publication by third parties in press reports
    • the presentation of the services offered by FHV
    • use in brochures, presentations and posters.
  13. Any further commercial use requires the separate consent of the participant.
  14. By participating you confirm that you are the author of the submitted photo and thus have unlimited rights of use for the photo. Furthermore, you confirm that the photo you have submitted is free from third party rights; in particular, that all identifiably depicted persons agree with the uses stated in these Terms of Participation and that these uses do not violate the intellectual property rights of third parties (the photo does not contain any protected content, such as logos or depictions of other persons who have not fully agreed to the intended use about which they were informed). You agree to release FHV from all possible third-party claims. If claims, such as compensation for use of works or other claims for damages or injunctive relief are asserted by third parties due to violation of their personal rights, copyrights or other exclusive rights, the participant shall indemnify and hold FHV and ED Vorarlberg harmless in this respect, i.e. the participant shall reimburse FHV for all costs incurred in this regard. 
  15. When publishing submitted photos, your full name will always be used to identify you as the author. 
  16. You assure that the contents of the transferred image file do not breach current (Austrian) norms. FHV and ED Vorarlberg reserve the right to exclude participants from the competition if the terms of participation are violated or if their entries contain illegal or offensive content or serve commercial purposes. 
  17. No fees or remuneration shall be paid for the publication of photos within the framework of the stated terms of publication. 
  18. A withdrawal of a photo from the competition is possible at any time by requesting the deletion of that photo. Participation in the competition is cancelled as a result. Please contact the International Office (+43 5572 792 1200, exchange@fhv.at). The deletion of the winning entry cannot be requested.
  19. By sending a photo and statement you declare your agreement with the Terms of Participation and the privacy policy of this photo competition. Legal recourse is excluded. 


Should difficulties of interpretation arise, the German text of these Terms of Participation shall be binding.