University organization


The FHV was founded in November 1997. The sole shareholder of the non-profit limited company is the state of Vorarlberg.

The governing bodies of the company are the university management and the supervisory board. It was one of the first universities of applied sciences in Austria to be granted university of applied sciences status on October 1, 1999. The day-to-day business is characterized by entrepreneurial principles.


The organizational chart of the FHV

Organigramm der FHV | © FHV

University Management


University Management

Duties of the managing director:

  • Management of the FHV and thus overall responsibility for the  Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences GmbH and its subsidiary
  • Decisions on all corporate matters that do not require the approval of the Supervisory Board or the General Assembly
  • Developing and defining general principles of business policy, guidelines and framework conditions for the university
  • Developing strategic objectives for the further development of the university in close cooperation with the management of the college, the departments and other decision-makers
  • Budget and financial planning
  • Staff planning, management and responsibility
  • Supporting research projects and cooperating with regional and international research partners
  • Maintaining regional, national and international partnerships and collaborations with stakeholders, educational institutions, research institutions, society and Business and Management
  • Further development and positioning of the university as an important player in the regional and international education and research landscape (e.g. European University RUN-EU)                      

The university management is supported by an assistance and project team, which is responsible for the following areas, among others:

  • Occasion-related project management
  • Corporate law tasks
  • Cross-university interface
  • Crisis and risk management
  • Sustainable university
  • Strategic controlling
  • Project management


The Rectorate is responsible for content-related and organizational issues in the area of teaching. To support decision-making, the Rectorate is supported by committees and working groups.

Board of the FHV

The tasks and responsibilties of the board and the management of the board can be found in the Fachhochschulgesetz to view. You can also find the statutes and rules of procedure of the FHV here (in German).

The Board is responsible for the implementation and organization of teaching and examinations. In addition to the director and their deputy, it is made up of six representatives of the programme directors, six representatives of the teaching and research staff and four representatives of the students of the FHV degree programmes. These representatives on the Board are elected by the respective groups of people. The FHV Rector acts as the head of the board.

The Board meets at least seven times a year in ordinary sessions.