
FHV - Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbH) was founded in November 1997. The sole shareholder of this non-profit LLC is the State of Vorarlberg.

The corporate bodies of the company are the Managing Director and the Supervisory Board. As one of the first universities of Applied Sciences in Austria, FHV was awarded university status on 1 October 1999. The University is operated according to business principles.

The management of the FHV consists of the Managing Director (CEO) and the Rector (FH). The managing director is the chairperson.

University Management

Managing Director

The Managing Director represents the company independently. He is responsible for the entrepreneurial management as a whole and for making decisions in all corporate matters that are not the responsibility of the Supervisory Board or the General Assembly.


The responsibilities of the Managing Director are (among others):

  • Development of general business guidelines 
  • Development of strategic objectives
  • Development of an annual programme, budget and multi-year plans
  • Human resource management
  • Research projects and utilization
  • Education and professional development of staff
  • Cooperation with other educational institutions, society and economy

Rector´s Office

The Rector’s office is responsible for all content and organisational matters relating  in the field of teaching. In this function, the FH Rector is a member of the Executive Board. The Rector is supported by various committees and working groups.

In addition, the FH Rector heads the Board whose  tasks are defined in the Universities of Applied Sciences Act.

Board of FHV


The tasks and responsibilities of the Board and the Head of the Board are accessible at the following link: University of Applied Sciences  Act (Fachhochschulgesetz).

The Board of the FHV (Kollegium der FHV) is responsible for the implementation and organisation of all teaching and examinations.
In addition to the Head of the Board and her Deputy, the Board consists of six representatives of the programme directors, six representatives of the teaching and research staff and four representatives of the students of the University of Applied Sciences degree programmes. These representatives are elected by the respective groups of persons. The FH Rector acts as Head of the Board.

The Board of the FHV shall meet at least seven times a year.